Ciclovia dei Parchi Calabria
After initial talks in summer 2020, four themed Collections were published in spring 2021. The campaign ran until the end of the year and gained millions of views in the relevant target group. The project received the Italian Cycling Tourism Oscar (Italian Green Road Award) for its promotion of sustainable tourism in four protected areas.

Generate attention for the new project and establish reach in the German-speaking market.
Tactics since 2021
- 4 Collections
- 16 Tours
- Year-round campaign (April to December)
Result top level
The then-new offer "Ciclovia dei Parchi della Calabria" attracted attention and activated the community on komoot. Currently, those responsible are building content in the partner profile for active followers as well as potential new visitors.
- present a new tourist offer in komoot and promote it in a targeted way
- year-round attention through promotion periods lasting months
- thematic Collections for even more relevance and inspiration

The project 'Ciclovia dei Parchi della Calabria' is a prime example of nature-based tourism. We wanted to communicate the launch of the offer in a target group-oriented way and therefore decided to use komoot. We are currently working on the creation of further content, because there's still so much to discover.