
komoot GmbH

Friedrich-Wilhelm-Boelcke-Straße 2
14473 Potsdam — Germany

Corporate Information

Represented by: Managing Director Markus Hallermann

Incorporated at (“Registergericht”): Amtsgericht Potsdam

Company Number (“Registernummer”): HRB 23672 P

VAT ID: DE270695170


All the content on this website — unless otherwise stated — is copyrighted by komoot and it may not be distributed, altered or copied in whole or in parts without prior written consent of komoot.

The embedded images on this website may not be used without prior written consent of komoot. The images on the website may contain third party copyright.

Terms of Service

Read our Terms of Service.


Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information.

Concept & Design

Webdesign © by elements
Content strategy © by punkt & komma New Media Solutions GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6
Söllheimerstraße 16
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Punkt & Komma GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6
Söllheimerstraße 16
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria